Thursday, June 20, 2013

Causes of gynecomastia (female breasts), in men

The development of female breasts in men, or so-called gynecomastia can have many causes. I prepared a list of 42, as to each, I will devote particular attention and a separate article on the blog. The causes of gynecomastia are mainly divided into several major big groups:

• Impaired balance of androgens / estrogens (male / female sex hormones) 
• Stimulation of mammary gland, by the hormone prolactin 
• Various genetic abnormalities 

Maybe you see, that you have to learn some things about the hormones in your body. You don't have to worry about each hormone, that plays a role in gynecomastia, I will devote a single article, where I will synthesize everything, you need to know about it.

Now, a few words about the three major groups.

Most causes of gynecomastia include disturbed ratio of male / female hormones. The word for this is hormonal imbalance. It can be caused by a reduced production of male sex hormones (androgens) or increased production of female hormones (estrogens). Androgens and estrogens have a very close relationship, which will be the subject of another article. Their quantities are affected by your nutrition, physical activity, adoption of different medications, stress, sleep, chemical constituents of the environment and others.

Prolactin is another cause of gynecomastia in men. It is a hormone, under whose influence grows, and develops, breast cancer. In women, it is responsible for lactation. The increased prolactin affects your libido and metabolism. Stress, certain drugs and benign tumors, can increase the amount being produced by the pituitary gland, in non-breastfeeding women, and men. This is it, for now. Details on this extremely interesting hormone, you will learn from the separate article on it.

For different genetic abnormalities, I can say little, because at the moment, I, myself am studying the matter, and gathering information. This includes people with Klinefelter syndrome, a syndrome of reduced sensitivity of receptors to male hormones (complete or partial androgen insensitivity).

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